This is making the rounds and well worth watching... and archiving at Liberal Video Depot for posterity (and for anyone who is trying to find it later on, like during an election!). If you have a good video, send it to me.
Junius: "The subject who is truly loyal to the Chief Magistrate will neither advise nor submit to arbitrary measures."
Mark Twain: "True patriotism means to love your country always but to love your Government only conditionally."
{Video by 23January2010}
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Here's another take on the Boondoggle Bay and Stephen Harper's incredible growing G20 waste.
{Video by sprawlville}
If you see any other creative attempts at ridiculing this ridiculous waste of money, please let me know.
For what it is worth, here's my version, penned a couple of days ago:
If I had a billion dollars - if I had a billion dollars Well, I'd buy you a summit - I would buy you a summit And if I had a billion dollars - if I had a billion dollars I'd buy you a photo op for your summit - maybe a nice landscape or a waterfront And if I had a billion dollars - if I had a billion dollars Well, I'd buy you a steamboat - a nice old fixer-upper And if I had a billion dollars I'd buy your vote.
If I had a billion dollars I'd build a gazebo in our yard If I had a billion dollars You could help, it wouldn't be that hard If I had a billion dollars Maybe we could put like a $200,000 toilet in there somewhere.
If I had a billion dollars - if I had a billion dollars Well, I'd buy you a Muskoka lake - but not a real Muskoka lake, that's cruel And if I had a billion dollars - if I had a billion dollars Well, I'd shut down a city - yep, like a Toronto or a Huntsville And if I had a billion dollars - if I had a billion dollars Well, I'd buy you Lyin’ Bryan's remains - ooh, all them crazy jowel bones And if I had a billion dollars I'd buy your vote.
If I had a billion dollars We wouldn't have to walk to the store If I had a billion dollars We'd take a limousine 'cause it costs more If I had a billion dollars We wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner [Ed note: really, what would you change in that verse? It’s perfect as is.]
If I had a billion dollars - If I had a billion dollars Well, I'd buy you a sidewalk - but not a real sidewalk going somewhere, that's cruel And if I had a billion dollars - if I had a billion dollars Well, I'd buy you some vid - a Sony or a Jumbo If I had a billion dollars - if I had a billion dollars Well, I'd buy you a monkey – I have so many monkeys to spare If I had a billion dollars I'd buy your vote.
If I had a billion dollars, if I had a billion dollars If I had a billion dollars, if I had a billion dollars If I had a billion dollars left, we'd be rich.
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But now JimBobbySez has taken it a step further by putting together an audio/video recording of "The Ballad of Fake Lake", also inspired by Gordon Lightfoot's classic ballad.
{Video by jimbobbysez}
As the saying goes, you are in big trouble when they stop screaming at you and start laughing at you.
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Mercer's rant on Harper's double standard based on his positions on Flaherty sneaking out of the budget announcement without answering question to fly out on taxpayer dollars for a photo op at Tim Hortons, announcing an "austerity" budget while quietly increaseing the Privy Council budget by $13,000,000 (that's $250,000 per week, something I did not know) and Guergis.
So that rant comes before some more recent double standards: - Jaffer's wrist slap for cocaine possession and DUI, 25 months after he introduced a mandatory minimum sentence bill
- an austerity budget but then voting in favour of taxpayers paying for partisan propaganda with the 10%ers and other savings which would save up to $20 million a year and then saying, even though the motion passed, they will ignore it
- promises in his election campaigns to make MPs and Parliament stronger while he contemptuously ignores and defies (1) a Parliamentary subpoena to produce detainee documents, (2) a Parliamentary motion to cancel 10%ers, and (3) a Parliamentary motion requiring approval of Parliament before prorogation
{Video by MercerReport}
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Here's a really great short video narrated by Tom Brokaw for US television on Canadian-US relations and history. There are some really great moments in there, like the hosting of stranded Americans during 9/11 and the incredible natural resources and landscapes that we share.
We have our differences and they are important, but there are no two countries that are more alike and whose people are more alike. We deride and undervalue that relationship to our own detriment. We overhype it and think it defines us to our erasure.
Much better to use the Olympics to promote a positive good, then to use the Olympics for petty partisan gain.
{Video by j940651} h/t Please send LVD your political and news videos and clips.
They really do have no class. Or any sense of their own hypocrisy.
I wonder, though, if there aren't one or two trade-mark violations involved here since they use "Vancouver 2010 Olympics" to raise money. I know the IOC and VANOC would have their lawyers all over me if I used their trade-mark in an advertisement. This could get interesting.
“I think there are a handful of people trying to play politics with the Olympics... it doesn’t speak well to a country that is trying to put itself on the national stage.” James Moore, Conservative MP and Cabinet Minister in charge of the Olympics
“Well look, we have gone out of our way to make the Olympics as non-partisan as possible.” James Moore, Conservative MP
“Shame on the member for playing games with the Olympics.” James Moore, Conservative MP
“Again, this is not political. This is what I am stressing.” Gary Lunn, Conservative MP
h/t Please send LVD your political and news videos and clips.
"A new low in Canadian politics... to drag them [our soldiers] out and use them as a political prop? That's going too far."
Mercer tears a new one on Stephen Harper and the Conservatives for using our soldiers as political props, hauling them all over the place for photo ops but then cutting them loose when it comes to buying the equipment they need:
{Video by MercerReport}
"Perfect timing this past week when every headline was dominated by the humanitarian crisis in Haiti that the government let it be known - very quietly - that the purchase of armoured vehicles is now on "permanent hold". Or waht a civilian would call "cancelled". Turns out, it [the announcement of the purchase of armoured vehicles with dozens of soldiers] was just a photo op. Perhaps, a new low in Canadian politics."
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National day of action is tomorrow at 1:00pm local time in 50+ cities across the country and even some outside of the country. To find out where the nearest rally is to you, please visit
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National day of action is tomorrow at 1:00pm local time in 50+ cities across the country and even some outside of the country. To find out where the nearest rally is to you, please visit
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Prime Minister Stephen Harper believes that Canadians don't care about democracy in this country and that only the "elites" are fussed by his shutting down Parliament for two months and giving himself a 3 month Harper Holiday.
Well, you know what? I care. A lot of people seem to care a lot.
I get the feeling Rick Mercer is none too pleased with the Harper Holiday.
On the plus side, you have the new House of Commons Banquet Hall and Conference Facilities, "historic and centrally located with seating for 308". {Video by MercerReport}
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... so much so, that I've transcribed the entire rant. The video is down below.
So how about those polls, eh?
For the first time in a very long time, the Liberals and the Conservatives are essentially tied. Well, at least they're within the margin of error.
Now polls never tell the full story, but this much is certain - whenever the party in power drops 15 points in 15 days, you can be assured of one thing: someone in charge did something really stupid.
In this case, the Prime Minister thought he could suspend Parliament for 3 months and get away with it because, in his words, "Canadians just don't care". Boy, was he wrong. Wow. He should get out more. Maybe go to Tim Hortons. Get a feel for the place.
See this is what I love about Canada. Yes, we are apathetic. But the minute someone tries to use our apathy against us, suddenly we start to care big time.
It's funny the Prime Minister doesn't get this. Instead, he just keeps saying "Oh, don't worry. Yes, I've suspended Parliament, but don't worry: I'm hard at work."
You know what? Big deal. Of course, he's at work. He's the Prime Minister. I'm sure Raul Castro is going to put in a full day tomorrow running Cuba. We just like to think we set the bar just a little bit higher than that up here.
Bottom lin is, Canadians got together. We elected 308 Members of Parliament to go to Ottawa to represent us and one Member of Parliament sent them packing.
Prime Minister, with all due respect, I know it's your job to run the country. I'm glad you're hard at it. But it's the voters who get to send the members home.
And with poll numbers like this, you might want to keep that in mind.
{Video by MercerReport}
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Now we, the vocal majority, find ourselves to be the new power brokers in Ottawa. With rallies planned across Canada on January 23rd, all eyes will be on us. We are not, as the traditional thinking goes, an apathetic people. We care deeply about our country, but for too long the increasing cracks in our political system have made it seem beyond repair, leaving people feeling frustrated and disempowered. Finally, we have an issue that unites us, one that we can wrap our heads around while keeping an eye on the eventual end game. This prorogation is far more than a matter of parliamentary procedure, it is emblematic of an institution that has turned its back on its people. We can stand outside and rage against the machine for as long as we like, or we can work together and take it apart, brick by brick and rebuild it anew. The upcoming rallies are not the culmination of our efforts, they are the beginning. Let’s start with prorogation and use our inevitable success to push for greater reforms, ones that ensure that our government is accountable, transparent, and responsive to the demands of the electorate. As in, you know, do what it’s there for.
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"Let us replace darkness with light. Let us replace accountability with corruption."
--- John Baird, Conservative MP
In and out. Cadman. Liddel. Shutting down committees. Firing civil servants for doing their jobs. Attacking whistleblowers. Intimidating witnesses. Defying court orders. Defying Parliament motions and orders. Shutting down Parliament to avoid a confidence vote. Shutting down Parliament to avoid accountability questions.
Oh We're Not Gonna Take It no, We Ain't Gonna Take It oh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore
we've Got The Right To Choose And there Ain't No Way We'll Lose It this Is Our Life, This Is Our Song we'll Fight The Powers That Be Just don't Pick Our Destiny 'cause you Don't Know Us, You Don't Belong
oh We're Not Gonna Take It no, We Ain't Gonna Take It oh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore
oh You're So Condescending your Gall Is Never Ending we Don't Want Nothin', Not A Thing From You your Life Is Trite And Jaded boring And Confiscated if That's Your Best, Your Best Won't Do
we're Not Gonna Take It no, We Ain't Gonna Take It we're Not Gonna Take It Anymore
we're Not Gonna Take It, No! no, We Ain't Gonna Take It we're Not Gonna Take It Anymore
just You Try And Make Us we're Not Gonna Take It come On no, We Ain't Gonna Take It you're All Worthless And Weak we're Not Gonna Take It Anymore now Drop And Give Me Twenty we're Not Gonna Take It oh Crinch Pin no, We Ain't Gonna Take It oh You And Your Uniform we're Not Gonna Take It Anymore
{Video by XX}
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Slippery sloppery our man Steve Gives new meaning to that word sleaze Ducks and runs when the truth comes near Climate? detainees? – scared to hear. Slippery sloppery our man Steve Tars our country with that word sleaze.
Jiggery pokery that man Steve Undercuts democracy with practiced ease. Slinks away from embarrasing facts Dodging transparency. Quite an act. Jiggery pokery that man Steve Side-steps legality with practiced ease.
Slippery trickery sleazy Steve An artful dodger. Who’d believe That righteous Stephen would change so quick From paragon of virtue to a brazen trick Slippery trickery sleazy Steve Killing Parliament, who'd believe???
When the Grannies are getting in a rage, you know something bigger is up.
This is from the last time Harper prorogued Parliament because he was feeling the heat from Parliament and his poll numbers were dropping, but it is still amazingly applicable. He hasn't changed a bit.
{Video by CBCtv}
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This is the second radio/youtube ad put out by the Liberals on the weekend.
As I said before, there is only so many times you can get sucker-punched in the face before you get up out of your turtle position and start hitting back.
{Video by LiberalVideo}
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There is something much bigger than a Facebook Group taking shape in Canada. The reaction from Canadians everywhere to Harper's arrogant attempt to shut down Parlaiment and avoid accountability started the moment he decided to undermine our democracy and go on his Harper Holiday. A lot of it is just plain old venting of anger toward Stephen Harper, but I've been quite surprised and impressed by how much of it relates to something bigger, recognizing that something has gone seriously amiss in the way we are governed over the last many years. It certainly didn't start with Stephen Harper, but our democracy and governance has been seriously threatened by an arrogant leader who will do anything and say anything to keep power and a weakened opposition which sometimes doesn't know which end is up.
So we now have an online grassroots Facebook uprising (last count 150,500+ and rising by the hundreds every few minutes) which is nothing on its own, but there are dozens of rallies planned for January 23, the first serious meetings for which occurred over the weekend. These are not being organized by any political party. Then there are a number of websites that have sprung up, including and Citizens for Democracy. Not to be left behind by the masses, the Liberals have now started up a prorogation information page and an ad campaign.
And, of course, video which is where Liberal Video Depot comes in. This one is a bit long and a bit over the top at times but it has a strong powerful message.
{Video by 23January2010}
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Harper Hŏ’lĭday (-dā, -dĭ) n., & v.i.1.n. month or multiple months of recreation when work remains outstanding, when no work is done; period of this, paid vacation, esp. annual paid vacation, eg. Although the renovation was not halfway done and already behind schedule, the carpenters took a Harper Holiday anyway and still expected to be paid.2.v.i. to avoid responsibility or accountability, eg. John had not studied enough so he Harper Holidayed his mid-term examinations.3.n. act of avoiding or undermining fundamental democratic institutions, eg. the Prime Minister saw his popularity declining and risked losing a confidence vote so he declared a Harper Holiday to avoid further investigations and accountability. [OE haarpr haligdae]
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